Design News, “the trusted source of news, trends, and technology insights and analysis for the engineering community,” recently published a feature article about QuesTek’s ICMD® software based on an interview with QuesTek president Jason Sebastian.
Here’s an excerpt from the article:
ICMD® is built on computational models developed by QuesTek to deliver hundreds of materials science engagements completed on behalf of clients such as NASA, SpaceX, Apple, GM, Boeing, and Audi since 1997.It uses AI as well as machine learning when beneficial to solving a particular materials challenge, Sebastian said, but QuesTek ultimately takes a more hybrid approach. AI can detect trends from the data, which is helpful, he explained, but those trends are best augmented by a real physical space understanding. “You’re going to need to really understand the physics and the metallurgy of what’s going on in the material to do alloy design, materials qualification, etc.,” he said.
“But it’s better, compared with the old trial and error approach, this machine learning that narrows things down and then we use a physics-based understanding to really understand what’s going on,” Sebastian concluded. “This is what we do. This is the future.”
Read the full interview and feature at Design News.