QuesTek Accepted Into MIT Startup Exchange, Opens Cambridge, MA Office

Evanston, IL – May 16, 2022 – QuesTek Innovations LLC announced today that it has been accepted into the MIT Startup Exchange, and has opened a Cambridge, Massachusetts office.

MIT Startup Exchange actively promotes collaboration and partnerships between MIT-affiliated startups and industry, exclusively members of MIT’s Industrial Liaison Program (ILP). The ILP is industry’s most comprehensive portal to MIT, enabling companies worldwide to harness MIT resources to address current challenges and to anticipate future needs. QuesTek’s unique expertise in optimizing and designing novel materials, along with its industry impact, makes the company a perfect fit for these highly competitive programs.

QuesTek holds deep affiliations with MIT. Chief Science Officer and co-Founder Dr. Greg Olson is currently Thermo-Calc Professor of the Practice in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and his PhD is from MIT. QuesTek’s board includes MIT faculty member Dr. Chris Schuh, and MIT Materials Science PhD’s Dr. Aziz Asphahani, and Dr. Diran Apelian.

QuesTek’s new office at One Broadway, Cambridge is in the Cambridge Innovation Center, a renowned hub for innovative corporations ranging from startups to global leaders. The Cambridge Innovation Center is conveniently located near the MIT campus, and Technology Square. The office became operational on April 22.

“QuesTek is developing a Cambridge pillar as a complement to our Evanston, IL operating base,” said QuesTek Chief Operating Officer, Bill Mahoney. “We fully expect to draw talent, digital technology, and new clients into the Company through our active participation in the MIT ecosystem.”

About QuesTek Innovations

QuesTek Innovations is both a pioneer and current market leader in Integrated Computational Materials Engineering. QuesTek’s Materials by Design® technologies are proven to reduce the development time and cost and increase the performance of novel materials. In its market space, QuesTek is the only provider to execute the full cycle from novel design to production, certification, and flight operations with proprietary materials, in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional or purely algorithmic methods.

For more information, please contact Jeff Grabowski, Business Development Manager, at